Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
Let's getaway from everyone and everything
From the darkness that had spread.
From Satan that is interfering with us
Let's run from everything that is evil
And announce the good news of salvation
And praise the creator of man
The one that deserves gratitude
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour, we study His commandments
Second hour, we thank Him for His blessings
Third hour, we get filled with the spirit.
We lift our spirit up in heaven
Hey Believers
Let's receive Joy from the Lord
And glorify God
And pray all together
In every town and every city
Let's leave our earthly desires behind.
And spend 3 hours with the Lord
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour worship Him
Second hour, we declare our faith.
Third hour, we praise the one that died for us
To our Savior Jesus Christ, His name only we glorify
Let's rest from all the suffering
And we lean and depend on the Lord
And leave all earthy burdens
And have Hope and desire for the Lord
And reach to heaven
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour Let's pray for the people that are suffering.
Second hour, praise Jesus
Third hour, prayers by candle light and humble ourselves with tears
Christ saved me
Through free salvation
With His blood He paid for my sins
And changed my core
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour, let's worship Him with Hymns
Second hour, let's read bible verses
Third hour, Glorify and worship the Lord
He healed me
He gave me His love
He lifted me up
He comforted me when I was sad
Let's take a break, 3 consecutive hours
First hour, Hymns
Second hour, prayers for the orphans
Third hour, Glorify the merciful God
With His spirit He filled me
He helped me during my hardship
He helped me walk in His ways
He gave me blessings abundantly
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour, an evening service
Second hour, a strong prayer
Third hour, a genuine repentance
From every sin we committed
He gave me heavenly peace
With his generosity he gave me plenty
He gave me enough food and water
He protected me from my enemies
To Him only I take refuge
No one else I can rely on
I crave to be with Him
He gave me Hope
With His great sacrifice
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour, prayer with faith
Second hour, prayer for the sick
Third hour, we remember the weary
And forgive who betrayed us
He went about doing good
The Word of God became flesh
He endured the cross
They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall
Seeks Him and He will respond to you
The enslaved becomes free
And the sinner becomes a saint
Don't be a hostage to sin any longer
Don't be a slave.
You will become a son of God
In Christ, you will be free
My dear, what is the matter with you?
Why are you sad ?
What is bothering you ?
Christ is knocking on your door
Open your door for Him. He Came specially for you
He will bless you and make you feel better
He will have dinner with you and will ease your mind
His love for you is above all what you can imagine
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour, prayers for the poor
Second hour, prayers to release the imprisoned
Third hour, In the name of the Creator
We expel all evil spirits
And live always in Hope
We praise him, day and night
And He gives us healing. He is the best healer
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour, I forgive my brothers and sisters
Second hour, I pray for my mom and dad
Third hour, I sing Hallelujah
Hey Believers
Let's receive Joy from the Lord
And glorify the Lord
And pray all together
In every town and every city
Let's leave our earthly desires behind.
And spend 3 hours with the Lord
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour, we will praise Him
Second hour, we ask God for guidance
Third hour, we thank God for His incarnation
Let's confess and repent our sins
And worship the one that have the power to forgive sin
And seek the one that answers our prayers
And praise Him from the north to the south
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour, we praise Him
Second hour, we thank Him
Third hour, we reject everything that is evil
And get rid of all the sadness
Let's get away from everyone and everything
From the darkness that had spread.
From Satan that is interfering with us
Let's run from everything that is evil
And announce the good news of salvation
And praise the creator of man
The one that deserves gratitude
Let's take a break, for 3 consecutive hours
First hour, we study His commandments
Second hour, we thank Him for His blessings
Third hour, we get filled with the spirit.
We lift our spirit up in heaven
Hey Believers
Let's receive Joy from the Lord
And glorify the Lord
And pray all together
In every town and every city
Let's leave our earthly desires behind
And spend 3 hours with the Lord
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
ما تيجى حبه نستخبى من البشر
من السواد إلى انتشر
من الشيطان إلى ملازمنا و فى أمورنا بيتحشر
ما تيجى حبه نهرب من كل شر
و بالخلاص نبشر
و نمجد خالق البشر
إلى يستحق يتشكر
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه نحفظ وصايا
تانى ساعه نشكره على عطاياه
تالت ساعه بالروح نتملا
و نسبح بروحنا فى السما
يا مؤمن و يا مؤمنه، مؤمنه
يالا نفرح نفسنا، نفسنا
ونمجد ربنا، ربنا
و نصلى مع بعضنا، بعضنا
من الاسكندريه لقنا، لقنا
يلا نسيب ارضنا, ارضنا
و نقضى ٣ ساعات مع ربنا ربنا.
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه تسبيح
تانى ساعه بايمانا تصريح
تالت ساعه مديح للذبيح
لمخلصنا المسيح. باسمه وحده نصيح
ما تيجى حبه نستريح من العناء
و إلى الرب الالتجاء
يلا نسيب كل الاعباء
و إلى الرب الاشتياق
و نلجأ للسماء
تعالى نفصل فصله ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه صلاه للموجوع
تانى ساعه تمجيد ليسوع
تالت ساعه، خدوع على الشموع
وخشوع بالدموع
المسيح فدانى
بخلاص مجانى
و بدمه اشترانى
و غير كيانى
تعالى نفصل فصله ٣، ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه تراتيل
تانى ساعه قرايه انجيل
تالت ساعه للرب تبجيل و تهليل
من مرضى شفانى
و حبه ادانى
ومن تحت علانى
و فى حزنى عزانى
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه ترنيم
تانى ساعه صلاه لليتيم
تالت ساعه تعظيم للرب الرحيم
ده بالروح ملانى
من الصعاب عدانى
فى طريقه مشانى
بعطاياه كفانى
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه عشيه
تانى ساعه صلاه قويه
تالت ساعه توبه حقيقيه
من كل خطيه
اعطانى سلام سماءي
بسخاء كفانى
بغذاء و ماء
و طرد اعداءى
و له الالتجاء
من غيره مالاقى
له اشتياقى
.و اعطانى رجاء
بعظمه فداء
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه صلاه بايمان
تانى ساعه دعوه للعيان
تالت ساعه نذكر التعبان
و نغفر للخان
كان يجول يصنع خيرا
كلمه الله أصبح بشرا
صلب صابرا
اسقوه خلا و مرا
اطلبوا يجيلك فورا
المقيد يصبح حرا
و الخاطىء يصير بارا
لا تعود بعد اسيرا
لا تصير بعد عبدا
حتكون للرب ابنا
تصبح فى المسيح حرا
حبيبى مالك
ايه الى جرالك
ايه إلى مزعلك
ده المسيح بيطرق على بابك
افتحله ده هو بنفسه جالك
حيباركك و يصلح حالك
حيتعشى معاك، و يريح بالك
ده حبه ليك فوق خيالك
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه صلاه من اجل المساكين
تانى ساعه علشان عتق المساجين
تالت ساعه باسم إلى خلق من طين
نطرد كل الشياطين
و نعيش دايما فى رجاء
و نسبح اسمه صباح و مساء
و يدينا الشفاء، هو نفسه احسن دواء
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه أسامح اختى و اخويا
تانى ساعه دعوة لأمي و ابويا
تالت ساعه ارنم هللويا
يا مؤمن و يا مؤمنه، مؤمنه
يالا نفرح نفسنا، نفسنا
ونمجد ربنا، ربنا
و نصلى مع بعضنا، بعضنا
من الاسكندريه لقنا، لقنا
يالا نسيب ارضنا، ارضنا
و نقضى ٣ ساعات مع ربنا ربنا
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه نمجده
تانى ساعه نستنجده
تالت ساعه نحمده على تجسده
ماتيجى من الخطايا نتوب
و نسجد للبيغفر كل الذنوب
و نلجأ للبيحل الصعوب
و نمجده من الشمال للجنوب
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه نمجده
تانى ساعه نحمده
تالت ساعه، كل شر نرفضه
و كل حزن نطرده
ما تيجى حبه نستخبى من البشر
من السواد إلى انتشر
من الشيطان إلى ملازمنا و فى أمورنا بيتحشر
ما تيجى حبه نهرب من كل شر
و بالخلاص نبشر
و نمجد خالق البشر
إلى يستحق يتشكر
تعالى نفصل فصله، ٣ ساعات متواصله
اول ساعه نحفظ وصاياه
تانى ساعه نشكره على عطاياه
تالت ساعه بالروح نتملا
و نسبح بروحنا فى السما
يا مؤمن و يا مؤمنه، مؤمنه
يالا نفرح نفسنا، نفسنا
ونمجد ربنا، ربنا
و نصلى مع بعضنا، بعضنا
من الاسكندريه لقنا، لقنا
يلا نسيب ارضنا. ارضنا
و نقضى ٣ ساعات مع ربنا، ربنا.